AFDP 2012-13 Silage Making with Motor Operated Chaff Cutter

Total  Cost                                           30,000
Silage Making                                     15,000
Power Operated Chaff cutter             15,000

Silage Making BreakUp
Silage pit (single)         6’ x6’ x4’                                  Rs.12,300
Urea                            30 Kg               Rs.6 per Kg     Rs.     180
Jaggery                       60 Kg               Rs.40 per Kg   Rs.  2,400
Salt                              30 Kg               Rs.4 per Kg     Rs.     120
Total                                                                                Rs. 15,000
·         Values can be changed according to local condition.

1.    Making pit (only concrete wall and floor to avoid seepage).
2.    Procurement of raw materials.
3.    Green fodder (sugarcane tops/ legume, non-leguminous green fodder).
4.    Cutting of fodder in 1-2 inches.
5.    Weighing of raw materials.
6.    Mixing of raw material in water.
7.    Spreading the fodder about 1feet in the pit.
8.    Stamping of fodder to avoid air packets.
9.    Spraying solution.
10.  Continue the procedure 7-9 till 1 feet above the pit.
11.  Finally closing the pit with polythene cover and molding the edges with dung.

1.    Open and use after 55 days.
2.    Feed silage at the rate of 8-10 kg per day per animal.

1. Material required per tonne of sugarcane 20Kg jaggery, 10Kg salt, 10Kg urea.
2. Sugarcane tops in 1 acre is sufficient to fill 12’x12’x8’ silo pit.